IT HAPPENED IN POST OAK (or thereabouts) - A Slice of Lamar & Red River County History, by Johnie Lee
In this historical account of families and individuals who lived in the Post Oak area of Lamar and Red River Counties in Texas from about 1840-1960, Lee, with the soul of a true historian, breathes life into records and data to recreate the content of the hearts and minds of these people. Through his diligent and faithful effort, the spirit and fortitude of the community and its citizens shine through the facts and figures in this will researched volume. Lee carefully and lovingly weaves a pattern of life and community with scraps of recorded and oral history and connects them with threads of the hopes and dreams that filled the hearts of the region's populace.
First person accounts add texture and life to this comprehensive study of the area. The history of the businesses, houses of worship, homes, and schools give an authentic glimpse fo the time and community life and captures it for generations to come. Whether you are a descendant of the area, an historian, or someone with an interest in the American experience, this book will offer a treasure trove of historical nuggets of untold value.
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Johnie Lee
1498 Co. Rd. 2221
Detroit, TX 75436
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