JOHN CROOK: MARCH 10, 1776 - SEPTEMBER 1, 1856
by Wilson (Bill) W. Crook, Jr.
The following article was written by Wilson W. Crook Jr. of Dallas Texas in the 1960's. The
sources are yet to be verified and should be used as a guideline only. Also be sure to visit
Crookland Hall's Crook Family Archives.
Patriarch of the clan whose descendants constitute our Lamar County, Texas (and now much
wider-spread) group; some of the Mississippi Crooks; some of the Crooks still around Jack's
Creek, Tennessee; and the west-central Missouri and Kansas City group . . . has long baffled
family investigations as to his background. As a direct descendant of his son John Harmon
Crook, I can now report much that has been learned of him. This is a combination of family
stories (recovered piecemeal from many sources, tested hard, and herewith included only if
proven or possible versus known facts . . . or as yet neither disproved nor suspect of being
illogical) and factual records.
The search has been uncommonly difficult because courthouses burned in two of his counties of
active residence (Henderson and Bedford, Tennessee), leaving none of the normal records such as
land deeds, marriages, wills, lawsuits, jury duty, etc. available . . . and the entire southern branch
of the Crook family has been handicapped desperately by the Civil War burning of the Dinwiddie
County, Virginia courthouse and loss of all records pre-1865.
John Crook's birth and death dates are confirmed by his tombstone in the former Trice
family/now Hamlett Cemetery near Jack's Creek, Tennessee. His second wife, Margaret Harmon,
is buried beside him and her dates are likewise confirmed: July 4, 1776 - October 19, 1859. The
U.S. census for Henderson County, Tennessee in 1850 shows the correct names and birth dates
for both John and Margaret, plus the fact that both of them reported as being born in "Virginia".
These facts, plus the Kentucky records of his first wife and first three children, destroy certain
family "stories". He had only two wives. There was no "Martha Rebecca Greer" wife! Margaret
Harmon was not "Martha", and she certainly was Number 2, and none thereafter, because she
outlived him to 1859.
As we now know, Margaret Harmon was the mother of his last seven children, and it is no
wonder that her first child (his fourth) was named John Harmon Crook! Oh, yes, her name . . .
and that of her brothers, sisters, and father in the tax lists, censuses, land deeds and law suits . . .
is "Harmon", not Harman, as a number of her brothers' descendants now spell their names..
Again, whatever the cause, we can totally reject the family story of Lamar County, Texas, that the
Crooks "weren't really related to the Harmons/Harmans"! We now know that John T. (Troxell)
Harmon was Margaret's younger brother, and John Harmon Crook's uncle. In the two letters we
have form old John crook to his son John Harmon (ca. 1850), references are made of greetings to
"her brother John" and to "your uncle John"; John T. Harmon's will is recorded in Lamar
County, with John Harmon Crook as witness; John T. Harmon and his wife are buried in the same
Shady Grove Cemetery with John Harmon Crook and his wife, Lamar County; further, we have
documentary proof of John T. Harmon in "Old Red River County, Texas" (previously fudged as
"Miller County, Arkansas"!) surveying as early as 1834(!) . . . and obviously the cause of all the
relatives coming-to-Texas 1837 - 1839. He is of record as the first surveyor of Lamar County,
organized 1840.
John T., along with brother-in-law John Crook, was one of the first settlers of Henderson County,
Tennessee; and upon its formation in 1821, became its first sheriff . . . surveyed and laid-out the
county seat, Lexington . . . was a founder of Lexington College . . . and built the first cotton gin
in the county. (One suspects that John Harmon Crook's apparent adequate education may have
come from attending this same Lexington college that his uncle founded, growing to manhood in
Henderson County!) Before that, he was in the same district with John Crook in the 1812 Militia
& Tax List for Bedford County, Tennessee ( as also was another of Margaret's brothers, Lewis
Harmon), is of War of 1812 record there as enlisting in Shelbyville and serving 1813 - 15, and
then marrying Nancy Wilson, there, in 1817. He is also named as one of Margaret's brothers in
the land grant law suit of 1833 in Bedford County between the Crooks/Harmons/Greers heirs of
old father Jacob Harmon's 1,000 acres in Bullitt County, Kentucky . . . and his deposition re: his
two shares (bought a sister's-right in 1813), is also of record in Bullitt County, Kentucky. No
As practically an after-thought, I should point out that this all essentially disposes of the story that
John Crook "was born in England" or "came from Wales", as some have handed down. (A
muddled confusion of the several Crook family stories of origin, with perhaps some basis back in
the early 1600's!)
But there are family stories on John Crook that stand the test, or could be in light of today's
knowledge. (1) "He had no brothers or sisters" (2) "He came from North Carolina" (3) "After
her Crook husband was killed, John Crook's mother later remarried Stephen Underdown (who
had been a Tory, but later joined the Colonists' cause), and they moved to Russell County,
Kentucky." (4) An affidavit of an old slave stated that "John Crook came from Hallifax County,
North Carolina, and that his father served in the Revolutionary War and was killed by 'the
Indians', right-at . . . or shortly-after . . . the close of the War (1782)". The Thomas Greer Crook
descendants (10th child born 1820 in Bedford County, just before the move to Henderson
County) relay his statement that "we are of the Kentucky Crooks", and the descendants of
Jeremiah Crook, from South Carolina . . . adjacent neighbor to John Crook at Jack's Creek,
Tennessee (whose children even intermarried with our Thomas Greer Crook and their Eveline
Crook!) . . . "because no common relationship could ever be established, so the connection was
distant, if any" . . . and "John Crook was seemingly an only child".
There is also extant a family story of a vague first wife names "Florine White" . . . mother of the
first three children (named variously, and in variable order) . . . all born "Kentucky".
And then there is John Crook's "riddle" as handed-down . . . "John Crook's mother's husband
tied her husband!"
Much of this may be true!
To begin with, the unlikely name of Underdown is almost unique, I find. There are none in large
city telephone directories I have checked, and the five or six professional genealogists that have
since searched for it had never before heard of such a name. Therefore, to find a Stephen
Underdown of considerable record . . . and where he is supposed to be in almost every case . . . is
overwhelming proof of the stories! Therefore, the rest of their message may be equally correct.
We went first to Russell County, Kentucky and there he was! The county was formed 1825, so
the stories could be no earlier. Not only do we have record of his buying land there in 1827, him
listed in the 1830 Russell County census, and he and his wife Betty selling the same land there in
1833 . . . but we have his life story in great detail as contained in his application for Revolutionary
War pension, sworn before the court in Russell County in 1831. This last is further amplified by
another pension application sworn on court 1837 when he had moved to Todd County, Kentucky.
Thus we know now that John Crook's mother was "Betty" or Elizabeth . . . hence his first child
and daughter.
Underdown's life story has him born in Caroline County, Virginia 1753; he and his father came to
Granville County, North Carolina, just before the Revolutionary War; moved to Caswell County,
North Carolina; moved to Rutherford County, North Carolina, where he served successive hitches
in the North Carolina Militia from 1776 to 1782, and married (probable first wife and not John
Crook's mother) either late 1776 or early 1777; after the War went back to Granville County . . .
then to Caswell County . . . then to Burke County, North Carolina. Thereafter, as we know, he
went to Russell County, Kentucky, and thence to Todd County, Kentucky. Where and when he
died, we do not yet know.
But the essential implication is that, where but in North Carolina could he have acquired John
Crook's mother as a wife and then moved with her to Russell County, Kentucky? Thus more
weight to the veracity if the story of John Crook being "from North Carolina"!
Underdown (spelled various ways, but always "Stephen") is of record as a Pensioner for the
Revolutionary War and paid 1831-1832-1833 for his service in the North Carolina Line; the 1800
census of Caswell County, North Carolina; and the 1810 census of Burke County, North
Carolina. By his own story, he went to Russell County, Kentucky in 1825.
With this all as confirmation, we went searching for John Crook in Kentucky . . . and found him,
positively, in the Madison County records . . . despite the confusion of other records of three John
Crook and one John Crooks people! (These all seem to be Maryland and North Virginia people,
in part leading to the General George Crook . . . dropped "e" ending, seemingly.)
But our John Crook posted marriage bond on September 21, 1803 with (unquestionable spelling) "Fluraney White, daughter of Joel White". Joel White's recorded will includes "John Crook and wife" . . . and also includes a son, "Henry White, deceased". This brother, Henry White, had a will made in 1812, that named only his "wife" and "daughter Fluraney" (family name or nick-name . . . after his sister, obviously!). Then in 1816 there is a Joel White estate lawsuit recorded on behalf of this Henry White "orphan" . . . Florina White . . . by her court-appointed guardian, Uncle Galen White . . . versus the other heirs, including "John Crook, Richard Crook, William Crook, and Elizabeth Crook" (obviously, the now dead as we know - Fluraney's heirs) . . . and they are noted as being "not now resident in the Commonwealth", so published notice for six consecutive weeks in the newspaper for their appearance was ordered and proof-performed in the clerk's records.
Despite family lists handed-down, etc., these are indeed the three oldest children of John Crook:
(1) Elizabeth ("Betsy" who married John Trice and lived at Jack's Creek, and likewise is buried in
the Trice-Hamlett Cemetery) born 1805 (2) Richard R. (came to Texas, in 1840 Lamar County
census, apparently married twice) 1808 and (3) William W. ("Billy" who went to Cersailles,
Morgan County, Missouri and married Ann H. ________) born 1809 or late 1808. Elizabeth's
1850 census (Tennessee) description shows Tennessee as place of birth, but an elaborate
biographic published sketch of their lives distinctly places her husband John Trice's birthplace as
North Carolina and hers as Kentucky. Richard's 1850 census (Texas) description shows birth in
Kentucky. William's 1850 census (Missouri) shows birth in Tennessee.
Knowing that Bedford County, Tennessee was organized in 1808 . . . and that John Crook was
supposed to have been an early settler of same . . . and that he had to remarry Margaret Harmon
by 1810 to birth John Harmon Crook by April 11, 1811 in Bedford County --- it seems the first
family moved there in 1808, and William perhaps born there shortly thereafter. First wife
Fluraney (really Florina?) must have died there, either 1809 or early 1810 . . . whether in
childbirth of William or whatever cause.
From the Harmon records, it would appear that a number or the brothers and sisters moved together to Bedford County at the same period. Two of the sisters married Greers in 1811 and 1812, so Margaret's marriage to John Crook in 1810 fits well.
There is a wonderful family story that John Crook's mother, a very clean/particular/sprightly little
old lady was living with them, caring for his children at the time. Margaret Harmon is described
as easy-going and tolerant, moving in and allowing John's mother to stay and operate about the
household without any problems or friction. Margaret is said to have been more fond of reading
than of housework . . . and besides, she had plenty of slaves to d the work, anyhow.
Margaret is described as also being honest and God-fearing (as is John Crook, likewise!) . . .
having been a Quaker previously . . . and strongly proud of being "Pennsylvania Dutch" in her
heritage (although listing herself as "born in Virginia" in the 1850 census).
Another story relates that "John Crook's mother (Betty?) and Mr. Underdown were not very
happy, and she continued to divide her time almost equally between John Crook's family and her
relatives in Kentucky".
In any event, we have record of the 1812 Militia and tax list for Bedford County with John Crook
shown in Captain Benjamin Hewith's company (district 2) . . . along with Margaret's brothers,
Lewis, John (T.?) and Henry Harmon.
Margaret bore him seven children, all born in Bedford County before they moved to Jack's Creek:
John Harmon Crook, born April 11, 1811; married Martha James Stell 1835; came to Texas
(eventual Lamar County) 1839; remarried Eliza Edmondson May 1, 1864 (but did not live with
her) and Catherine Gillespie August 8, 1872 (his brother Henry "Douglas" Crook's widow . . .
she of Cherokee Indian ancestry and mother of the "dark Crooks" by both Douglas and John
Harmon!); and buried at Shady Grove Cemetery in Lamar County beside "the wife of his youth"
(Martha James Stell) November 26, 1878.
Jacob M. Crook, born ca. 1812: never married; came to Texas to be in 1840 Lamar County
census, but returned to Tennessee to be listed in younger brother Thomas Greer Crook's family in
1850 census for Henderson County; "died in Middle Tennessee during the Civil War".
Mary Ann "Polly" Crook, born ca. 1813-14; married Thomas Cotton in Tennessee; they moved
to Mississippi.
Katherine (Catherine) Crook, born ca. 1815-16; married first a Mr. Anderson . . . second a Mr.
Peery/Perry; died in Tennessee.
Lewis J. Crook, born 1817; came to Texas and in 1840 Lamar County census; married first Mrs.
Matilda Harmon, December 7, 1843 . . . second Elizabeth Pride, February 1, 1849; apparently
died in Hopkins County, Texas, as his widow remarried Mr. Rodgers of Sulphur Springs, there,
after 1860.
Henry Douglas Crook, born ca. 1819; married Catherine Gillespie and was listed in the 1850 and 1860 censuses of Henderson County, Tennessee; died in Tennessee; died in Tennessee post-1860/pre-1872.
Thomas Greer Crook, born July 26, 1820 in Bedford County; married Sarah Evelyn (Evaline)
Crook (of S.C. Jeremiah Crook family, neighbors) 1841; died and buried in Trice-Hamlett
Cemetery (beside his wife) December 5, 1892. The Crookland Hall Crook family of Middle Fork
In addition, we have the records of the family lawsuit over the disposition of the 1,000 acres of Margaret's father, Jacob Harmon, in Bullitt County, Kentucky, between the Crook/Harmon/Greer heirs in the 1833 court records of Bedford County, Tennessee . . . and the filed and recorded depositions, prior, in Bullitt County, Kentucky. All this positively establishes the family relationships, and in the case of John T. Harmon's "3 parts" shows that there was an uncle Michael Harmon, and that old Jacob Harmon died pre-1813, when John T. purchased his sister's "share".
This is the land purchased by exchange of the two 500-acre Virginia Treasury Warrants, recorded
as bought by Jacob Harmon in 1780 . . . and recorded in Bullitt County, Kentucky, in 1791.
(After survey made and submitted.)
We also have copies of two letters written by John Crook to his son, John Harmon Crook, ca.
1850, down in Lamar County, Texas. Aside from the "greetings" from the "old mother" to
"Martha and the children" . . . "your uncle John" and "her brother John" . . . they include
references to the wheat failure in Tennessee and the high cost thereof; the scarcity and high cost
of Negro slaves in Tennessee, currently . . . what is now known to be "arthritis" in his writing arm
and hand, affliction . . . and a request to hear from sons Richard and Lewis! He is "getting old"
and sends regards "from your old mother".
After John Crook's death, Margaret . . . by family story . . . "went to live with her daughter,
Betsy . . . who had married John Trice."
Thus, naturally, "Betsy" inherited all the family papers (and Bible) . . . most of which, as have
survived . . . are today (1968) contained in the "old oaken box" of Miss Martha Evelyn
Tomlinson, a Trice descendant now living in Jack's Creek. Unfortunately, she isn't "sharing", but
we know from one person's visit to her home that she has a land grant with all the John Crook
children's signatures on it . . . probably the Jacob Harmon one in Bullitt County over which the
heirs had the lawsuit.
Now back to North Carolina origins. The North Carolina Militia records have only two people
named Crook for the Revolutionary War: William, Corporal; Hillery (sic), Private; both credited
with 84 months service and listed as died. In both cases, their "heirs" received pension land
grants in Davidson County, roughly what is today almost all Middle Tennessee, but then was a
frontier county of North Carolina. Both land grants are listed as administered by the same
Captain McNees, as though in the same geographic region and therefore one can suspect they
were brothers. I have copies of all theses records, including the actual land grant deeds (which,
although both sold . . . "assigned" . . . to the same John Nichols, a veteran and pension-grantee
himself and large land-speculator in the future Tennessee part of western North Carolina, much of
record in early Davidson County . . . maddeningly, always are referred to as "heirs", not by name,
nor signed by the "heirs".
But if the family story is essentially true, then one of these is candidate for John Crook's father.
In this vein, since John Crook appears to have named a first daughter for his mother, it is
interesting that he named an early son William.
Our present research is now on the track of a reported record of Hillary/Hillery Crook in Franklin
County, North Carolina, as soon as their Courthouse is reopened after remodeling sometime in
December. Look on the map . . . Franklin County in tight association with Granville County and
Halifax County of previous intersect, and if Hillary is there can William be far away? One way or
the other, we may find something.
If William, indeed, he may well be he of that name listed in the Brunswick County, Virginia 1782
tax list who seems not to belong to any of the well-documented Brunswick and Mecklenburg
(Virginia) Crook lines, and disappear the records thereafter. This is, in truth, "right at . . . if not
shortly after, the close of the War".
In any event, all these North Carolina counties are just below the Virginia line and the heavy
Crook family concentration in Brunswick, Mecklenburg, and Dinwiddie counties. Since we know
the children of all these families except Frederick Crook of 1782 census in Mecklenburg, it seems
probable that both William and Hillary are sons of his. In turn, again by default logic, we have
earlier concluded that the three 1782 Mecklenburg Crooks were probably brothers and sons of
Solomon Crook (II) who stayed behind in Dinwiddie County as oldest son and prima genitor
inheritor of the parental lands.
At present, all this North Carolina, Virginia bit awaits some confirmation, albeit quite reasonable
and in many instances logical. One recalls that John Crook in the 1850 census listed himself as
born in Virginia.
John Crook's land lay west of Middle Fork Creek and then south to Jacks Creek, about 1500
acres in all. At his death in 1856, the southern part of the plantation near Jacks Creek passed into
the Trice family, the northern most part of the plantation, where Crookland Hall still stands
(1854) passed into the Thomas G. Crook family. This was devised by deed still available in the
1857 record book at the Courthouse at Lexington, in Henderson Co. Tenn. Two family stories
(authentic) were omitted. (1) John Crook gave three Negroes to each of his children when they
married. He had 10 children and when they all left John Crook was still worth $12,000 at 75
years of age. (2) The day John Trice and Betsy Crook were married John Crook gave them the
Negroes. John Trice politely sent them back with the message that he now had all the Crook
family he needed.
State of Tennessee
Henderson County
June 22st A.D. 1856
I John Crook of the County and state aforesaid do make and publish this my last will and
testament hereby revoking a making void all former wills by me made at any time.
First, I desire that my body be decently entered in a manner Suitable to my conditions in life, and
as to such goods and worldly Estates as it has pleased Him to bless me with I dispose of it as
follows to wit first I direct that all my debts and funeral expenses be paid out of the first money
that may come into the hands of my Executors as soon after my decease as possible.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Margaret 2 of my Negroes, to wit, David and
his wife Nancy during her natural life and at her death, David to have his choice which of my
Heirs to live with and the said choice is bound to like his wife Nancy with him at her valuation in
cash and shall not part them, and of my other effects, 1 feather bed, to be given to them. And my
Executors are hereby instructed to reserve and pay my beloved wife Margaret fifty dollars per
year as long as she may live. As to Such other effects or Worldly Substances as that please God
to bless me with. I bequeath that at my death after my Executors complying with the foregoing
requisitions, that all my heirs are to have an equal, with the exception of the case of my Daughter
Catherine Peery, which four Hundred dollars of her share is by my Executors to be given to Her
Daughter Elizabeth Anderson, another partial is Catherine Peery's share is to go into the hands of
my Executors and by them given to her as she may need it, but not to be placed in the reach of her
present husband W. O. Peery, and if W. O. Peery should be the conges_____, said effects to go to
her bodily heirs equal as they may become of age. As to all the balance of my Heirs I desire that
they be made equal at my decease with what they have already had, to wit My Son Richard R.
Crook has had properties many to the amount of Sixteen hundred twenty dollars.
My Daughter Elizabeth Trice has had property and effects to the amount of five hundred dollars.
My Son William W. Crook effects to the amount of one thousand four hundred dollars.
My Son John H. Crook has had effects to the amount of twelve hundred and fifty dollars.
My Daughter Mary Ann Colton has had money and effects to the amount of seven hundred and
thirty nine dollars.
My Son Jacob M. Crook has had effects to the amount of nine hundred and sixty dollars.
My Son Lewis Crook has had effects to the amount of one thousand dollars.
My Son Henry D. Crook has had effects to the amount nineteen hundred and twenty two dollars
and 50 cents.
My Son Thomas G. Crook has had effects to the amount of thirteen hundred and fifty five
I bequeath that all my heirs are to be made equal out of what substance I may disurged or
possessed of, but here make a special bequest that of the amount whatever it may be coming to
my Son Henry D. Crook, that it be given to his heirs and not to him.
I further request that my Negro property may be divided amongst my heirs unless it be their
special request, and in that case they are to be sold and the proceeds divided as here-to-fore
instructed. And lastly, I do hereby make and appoint and ordain that my Son-in-law John C.
Trice and by my grand friend Stephen S. Ross my Executors to this my last will and Testament.
In Witness where of I John Crook attest to my heirs that this is my last will and testament written
on our sheet of paper by my hand and seal this the 21st day of June, 1856.
R. Barham
A. B. Crook
L-12 Richard (e b by 1731 Scotch)
stolen by Br. soldiers & to America as lad;
what indication for being 2nd child?
1) purchased Granville Co. NC land in 1752 on Nside of Dan River
2) on tax list 1755-where on Later lists?
3) 1856 slave at son John's death made affidavit that:
a) John Crook came from Halifax Co. NC (b 1776 per fam recds)
b) " " father fought in Rev. War (VA or NC record of Richard?)
c) " " " was killed by Indians at or shortly after
the close of the war (est 1784-1790) (in VA or NC?)
4) md 1) Martha Rebecca Greer by mid to late 1750's in ? 1 ch
2) Elizabeth (Betsy) Leisering 1782+ in ____ (1 ch).
Elizabeth was pregnant by Richard Crook when she married
second husband Stephen Underdown about 1786-90+in _____ ? (probably Granville -LMC)
Stephen Underdown: (from pension application & other)
a) b 1753 Caswell Co. NC
b) to Granville Co. NC with father in 1770 at 17
c) back to Caswell Co. NC in 1773
d) enlisted in Caswell Co. NC in 1777
e) back to Granville Co. after war
f) (No Crook or Underdown in History & Genealogies of Old Granville NC 1746-1800 by Owen-
g) in 1790 census of Granville Co. NC
h) in 1791 bought Caswell Co. land with north border to VA
i) in 1800 census of _____ Co. __
j) in 1810 census of Barbee Co. NC
k) in 1820 census of ______ Co. __
l) in 1827 buying land in Russell Co. KY with wife Betsy
(Eliza. [Leiserning] Crook-LMC)
m) in 18__ Rev. War petition ap. detailing life
William Crook (by late 1750's & Corporal killed in Rev. War)
1) possibly md _____ Dempsey in early 1770's in _____ NC
2) Corporal in Rev. War
3) killed in war by 1783
4) his NC land grant for service went to "minor heir" named
Dempsey Crook (where was land grant? POSSIBLY DUDLEY?)
Dempsey Crook (b 1770's in ______ Co. NC)
1) received father's land grant as "minor heir" in 17___
in _____ Co. (1772-1795 Caswell included present Surry
and Rockingham Co.s, only places in all of NC on Dan
2) lived in ______ Co. __
3) died in _______ Co. __
John Crook (10 Mar 1776 VA-1 Sep 1856 near Bedford Co. TN)
md 1) Fluvaney/Florine/Fanny White 265? Sep 1803 Madison Co. KY
2) Margaret Harmon __,___ 1810 Bedford Co. TN (1776-1858)
L-1211 1w Richard Rucker Crook b 1804 KY to Texas 1839, killed over water rights after 1860, possible Hopkins Co. Texas
L-1212 1w Elizabeth (Betsy) Crook b 10 Nov 1805 KY
This is the Crook/Trice line of Chester Co. Tenn. "
L-1213 1w William White Crook b ca 1808 TN
William James (Jimmie) to Lamar Co. Texas, 1870 ??
George W.
L-1214 2w John Harmon Crook b 11 Apr 1810 TN
To Lamar Co. Texas, 1836
Captain Jeremiah Stell Crook, CSA b. 1836
Jessie Bell Crook
John William Crook - city manager of Paris TX
Charles O'Connor Crook Lamar Co. TX
Dr. Walter Jennings Crook, desc. in Dallas TX
Stella Wayne Crook
Marvin B. Crook -- Paris, TX, desc's there
Mary Crook
William Lewis Crook, 1838
Mary Catherine Crook, 1840, Lamar Co. to Hancock
George J. McKenzie Crook, 1843, Lamar Co. Married
Ulta Sampson, children:
John Morgan Crook, 1865- Mayor of Paris TX
Kathryn Crook, married William White
Mattie Crook, 1869
Minnie M. Crook, 1871
Earnest Crook, 1875
Eva Crook, 1876
Tilden Crook, 1877
G.J.M. Crook Jr., 1879
Margaret Zapphire Crook, 1848 to George Provine
James Dennis Crook, 1851
L-1215 2w Lewis J. Crook b ca 1817 TN
To Lamar Co. TX 1839
L-1216 2w Mary (Polly) Ann Crook b ca 1813/4 TN
L-1217 2w Jacob Crook b ca 1812 TN CSA
L-1218 2w Katherine Crook b ca 1815/16 TN
L-1219 2w Henry Douglas Crook b ca 1819 TN
To Lamar Co. Tx 1836, back & forth from there and Henderson Co
Tenn. Killed in Civil War CSA
L-121A 2w Thomas Greer Crook b 26 Jul 1820 TN d.1892 CSA
(J-1A1) md Sarah Evaline Crook b 2 Aug 1824 SC
dau of Jeremiah & Polly (Arnold) Crook). Thomas & Sarah named children Martha Rebecca and Greer Lacy Ross Crook for family names.
This is the Crookland Hall Crook line of Middle Fork, Henderson County Tenn.
"John Crook's apparent father was Richard Crook who 'was of Scotch descent, and came to
America as a mere lad in the company of some soldiers"...As we know, "John Crook's father
was of Scot origin, came to America at age 16 etc.
John Crook's (b 1776) first son was named Richard. A Richard Crook is of record buying land
in strangely coincidental on the north side of the Dan River in 1752 in NC (can only be in
present Rockingham or Caswell Co. NC) and again of some record NC Tax List in 1755.
Further, the family stories state explicity that "early in the War, John Crook's father captured
a Tory and brought him to fort, who later joined the Colonists cause and later remarried the
widow Crook." Also "John Crook's mother, after her Crook husband was killed remarried
Stephen Underdown, who had been a Tory and they went to Russell Co. KY" It all rings a bell!.
Thank heaven for old Underdown's pension and almost unique name in all my studies and from
all the genealogical researchers, who have helped me know of but two other records of this name
(one a possible son of 1st marriage, a Dempsey Underdown in Granville Co. N.C, 1821, ...and a
present day small time Broadway actor in NYC ), so when you find a record of a Stephen
Underdown at about the right rime & area, you know you have the connection!
But he did get a Revolutionary War he did change sides...and in the long and
detailed disposition on record, he accounts his entire life up to 1831, (when pension
granted)...but his service starts by enlisting from Caswell Co. in mention of his
activities 1775-76;
John Crook is reported as having a family riddle "my mother's husband, tied her husband"
(obvious enough!)
Enter more on Old Underdown (middle of p 17) Crook portion is:
...he enlisted 1777 in Csswell Co....his story tells of his wife being pregnant that year as he
served as substitute...which has to be an earlier first wife of a then 24 year old Underdown,
unknown except possibly a family named Dempsey per possible son above (and a William Crook,
Cpl. was killed in the Revolutionary War in NC and his land-grant went to a Dempsey Crook
"minor heir" and we suspect him as a Richard Crook oldest by 1st marriage, perhaps looked up
ti by much younger John Crook of second marriage...
he named his 2nd son/third child William! there could be many connections, and if so all has
to be in Caswell Co. , which from 1772-1795 included present Surry & Rockingham Co.--all of
which include the only place in NC where you could own land on the Dan River!"